Hi! I’m Jude.

I love talking about books, places and travel. I seek ways to carve out some time just for me in this busy world.

Born in England, I did my growing up in the Lake District. Now with dual French-British nationality, I live in Hertfordshire and am a mum of 3. I enjoy indulging my lifelong passion for books and reading, and travel when I can. My home-from-home is Ile de Ré in Charente-Maritime, western France. If you´ve never visited Ré, please do. I promise you will love it.

Whether it’s for a lack of time, freedom or money, actually travelling and finding time for oneself is hard these days. If you are like me, you will appreciate the need for any leisure plan to be really well thought-through, as the opportunity is a gift and needs to be treated like one.

This blog is intended to share tips and help others get the most out of what time and money they have available. Enjoy!